Stewart Warner &
Probal Parts & Service

Do you have a Stewart Warner balancer that you can no longer find parts for?

T&S originally began selling balancers for Pro-Bal Balancers. After several design changes and updates to PC-based controls, T&S acquired Pro-Bal which had taken over production of all Stewart Warner Balancers after the company closed its doors. Since then, we have been servicing and retrofitting Stewart Warner and other balancers with modern dynamic balancing controls. We can upgrade your machine to have the latest balancing technology and features in the market today.
Most Stewart Warner parts from the Pro-Bal acquisition have been depleted and are not easy to find, which is why we offer our new electronics upgrade. We can supply these kits at a fraction of the cost of replacing your balancing machine. Call us at 1-940-668-1002 and see how we can help you with your Stewart Warner today!